Even though theHunter X Hunter anime has been around since 1999, there has yet to be a battle anime quite like information technology. Many anime have attempted to replicate the success of Hunter X Hunter, but the adventures of Gon and Killua will forever be cemented as a staple of the anime genre, making it a difficult show to match. The show'southward cast of characters, unique settings, and well thought out power structures brand information technology ane of the virtually enjoyable and visually stunning anime to engagement.

The power structures withinHunter X Hunter are all related to the power of Nen. This Nen teaches characters like Gon and Karapika to control their aura in incredibly powerful and unique ways. Each Nen user works to manipulate their aureola within the framework of a specific Nen type, and some are definitely more powerful than others.

six Conjuration

Kurapika using his conjured chains

A skilled conjurer has the ability to overcome any other Nen user regardless of their Nen type thanks to its provisional nature. Kurapika demonstrates this when she defeats Uvogin, a powerful Enhancer.

However, once information technology is committed to a specific condition, it loses the versatility that the other Nen types are capable of. It is true that Kurapika's chains are able of defeating the entirety of the Phantom Troupe alone, only outside of this condition, the chains are reduced to ranged melee weapons that, while formidable, are not nearly as powerful as Gon's enhanced strength or Killua's lightning abilities.

5 Manipulation

Illumi _ Manipulator _ Scary _ Hunter X Hunter

Like Conjuration, manipulation has the ability to overcome whatever other Nen user if utilized correctly. The ability to coerce and even control an enemy gives a manipulator the ability to win a boxing with a single blow.

The trouble with this ability is that information technology relies entirely on the manipulator gaining command of their opponent. If they are unable to gain command of their enemy, they are forced to rely on their skills every bit a fighter. Because how difficult it is for a manipulator to acquire enhancement and conjuration abilities, they would certainly struggle against foes if they could non rely on manipulation to find success.

4 Emission


The strength of an emitter relies entirely on the strength of their aura. Though almost Nen users' aureola grows weaker when separated from their torso, an emitter can maintain the forcefulness of their aura for a short catamenia of time after it has be separated from them.

This make Emission ane of the most powerful offensive abilities of all the Nen types because of the raw ability of aura itself. While Transmuters and Conjurers can mimic other powers and objects that be in the world, an emitter tin can bung the power of pure aura at their opponents. If Gon were to have fallen into the Emission category, he may take rivaled Dragon Ball's Beerus in terms of destructive ability— but in tow, lost his edge in terms of defensive strength.

3 Transmutation

Killua attacks Youpi in Hunter X Hunter

The transmutation Nen type seems to borrow the best qualities from both the conjuration and emission types. Two of the strongest characters inHunter X Hunter are practitioners of this type of Nen which speaks to its force more any description could.

Both Killua and Hisoka demonstrate incredible transmutation abilities by using their aura to create powers and abilities unlike annihilation that exists in the concrete world. Killua mimics the properties of lightning in order to raise the forcefulness of his attacks, while Hisoka invents an entirely new substance past combining the backdrop of both rubber and glue. Much similar the enhancement blazon, this ability had both offensive and defensive capabilities, only considering information technology requires a sharp mind to truly take advantage of, it doesn't quite take the crown of the most powerful Nen type.

two Enhancement

Hunter X Hunter Gon Powering Up

Enhancement is equally simple as it is powerful. Nen users that fall into this category are able to enhance both themselves and the objects they carry. This makes Enhancement ideal for characters that prefer hand to hand combat.

With plenty training, an enhancer can evangelize a punch with the strength of a missile and make their peel more durable than a tank. This balance of offensive and defensive strength is exclusive to this class, making it possibly the most versatile and powerful Nen type. Gon Freecss, the chief protagonist ofHunter 10 Hunter, is an excellent example of how powerful enhancement can be.

one Specialization

Neon's Speciliast _ Nen Type

It is difficult to rank Specialization as a Nen type because of the diverseness of abilities it tin can grant a Nen user. One thing is clear though: Every specialist is privy to a powerful Nen power, just these abilities are not ever powerful on the battlefield.

For case, Neon is a specialist that can write out the future as a fortune teller. This ability is powerful, but Neon would exist decimated on the boxing field by most other Nen users. Kurapika proves how powerful Specialization is early on in the anime past stretching his Nen affinities further than nearly believe possible. Though the strength of specialized powers varies in combat, each specialist goes into battle with an element of surprise that the other Nen user lack thanks to the diversity of specialist Nen abilities.

Side by side: Hunter X Hunter: 5 Underrated Nen Abilities (& Their Users)